Dutch Design & Architecture Education Exhibition


田田圈文創工作群   策展人:龔維德 



為了迎接2016世界設計之都的準備,我們希望借國外的觀點思考台的定位,所以我們以荷蘭為標地物,因荷蘭在歐洲是小國與台灣處境相同、國土及人口與台灣相似,另外較為重要的是 - 荷蘭在工業設計、平面設計及城市規劃都具有特殊的代表性是文創產值高的國家,因由以上的原因田田圈文創陸續擧辦2012荷蘭文化設計展,2013荷蘭生活設計展,而第三部曲為荷蘭設計建築教育展。



個例子,例如荷蘭設計學院總共只有11所,而碩士班總招生的人數大概400人,此人數大概小於英國一所設計學院碩士班的總合,這種小班制的教學讓每位學生都有很好顧。另外曾被New York Times 報導荷蘭Design Academy Eindhoven學院為最cool的設計學院,以上的例子清楚展現荷蘭設計教育的獨特及優勢性,也展現荷蘭設計建築實力。展覽包含11+1個最具代表的荷蘭設計學院介紹, 設計學院畢業展及學校環境影音放映,邀請4位不同領域留學荷蘭朋友展出他們荷的畢業作品,讓大家了解他們的創意,除了展覽我們也安排4次的導覽和3場講座,講座以媒體及平面設計、工業及品設計和建築及都市規劃三種不同主軸,各邀請二位不同學校剛畢業荷朋友及一位畢業多年台灣傑出校友一起分享及交流所有的容期待成為一個設計教育的參考。





We had very good studying experience in the Netherlands so led us to the idea of organizing an exhibition based on Dutch arts & design education exhibition in Taipei that student and audience  in Taiwan will have the chance to know best Dutch arts & design education and Dutch arts & design schools better. Since 2004 I got scholarship from Heineken then I built a web-site to help Taiwanese to study in the Netherlands as good reference. www.dutchartschool.info In addition; my other reasons for holding such exhibition are as follows.

The main task of exhibition is 4 issues;

1. We think Taiwanese arts & design education has a gap from international design level. We think we need to do something to change our arts & design enlivenment so we are thinking about to export Dutch arts & design education be a good example to Taiwanese designers, students and educators, another is organizing a discussion platform for some specific subject to share Dutch arts & design education experience to audience.

2. We did 2 successful projects that Dutch cultural design 2012 and Dutch lifestyle design 2013 and we got many good feedback from visitors so let us to continue to do third project in 2014.

3. We knew NESO (Netherlands education support office) Taiwan was closed on June 2013. We lost many opportunities to promote Dutch education and let Taiwanese to study in the Netherlands. We think we become a bridge between Dutch education and Taiwanese; we want to create an enlivenment to let Taiwanese people know about Dutch arts & design schools.

4. Taipei, the city we live and also the venue where we plan to implement our project, is on its way to become the World Design Capital 2016 as the city government had officially announced its determination of campaigning for the title.  For such prospect, the city government has put much effort into the development of the city’s creative industries in order to keep pace with the international design community. Taipei City Government had signed with the City of Eindhoven, the Dutch city well-known for its industrial design background, a MOU based on design and culture exchange during the visit of the mayor of Eindhoven to Taiwan September 2012. Following such spirit, our exhibition will be a continuous effort for the arts & design exchange in between Taiwan and the Netherlands.     

Moreover, the exhibition serves more than educational purposes; it can also be seen as a valuable chance of Dutch-Taiwanese exchange in arts & design education and arts & design thinking.


活動細節   Activity

主辦單位 :田田圈文創工作群

Organizer: Tien Tien Circle Creative


協辦單位 :  荷蘭貿易投資辦事處荷蘭高等教育-韓國辦事處忠泰建築文化藝術基金會


Collaborators :  Netherlands Trade & Investment Office│ Netherlands organization for international cooperation in higher education -NESO Korea│JUT Foundation for Arts and Architecture │URS21│Ming Ying Tsai Architect │Onion Design Associates


活動時間:2014/3/29 (Sat) – 2014/4/20 (Sun) 10:00-18:00週一休館

Date and time: 2014/3/29 (Sat) – 2014/4/20 (Sun) 10:00-18:00 closed on Monday



LocationURS21/1F No.21, Sec. 1, Minsheng E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei


開幕時間2014/3/29 (Sat) 14: 30

Opening2014/3/29 (Sat) 14: 30

策展人Curator:龔維德 Sasson Kung 


特別感謝:金工創作者陳郁君 & 黄綉瑄, 平面設計師楊維綸, Design Academy Eindhoven MA Information Design 許琇鈞, NTIO Maarten Deurvorst  & Jody Chen, RSM亞洲辦公室家良主任,林倩蓮

Especial thanks : Contemporary Jewelry designer  Yu Chun Chen &  Hsiu Hsuan Huang , Graphic designer  Echo Yang, Design Academy Eindhoven MA Information Design June Hsu , NTIO Maarten Deurvorst  & Jody Chen, Asia Director  Dual Wu, Ariel Lin


講座Lecture 1

2014/4/5 (Sat) 14: 30 荷蘭設計學校- 工業及品設計

2014/4/5 (Sat) 14: 30 Dutch design school - Industrial and Product design selection 

曾偉文創設計/荷蘭Design Academy Eindhoven社會設計碩士

Wei Lung Tseng│Designer/MA Social Design, Design Academy Eindhoven, the Netherlands

汪建均服務設計策略顧問, UiGathering 台灣使用者經驗設計協會理事/荷蘭Eindhoven University of Technology工業設計碩士 & Delft University of Technology 策略性產品設計(2006-2007)

Lex Wang│Service Design and Strategic Consultant,  Director of UiGathering/Msc Industrial Design TU Eindhoven, & Strategic Product Design, TU Delft, the Netherlands (2006-2007).

施承毅專攻博物館文創空間展覽的敘事環境規劃設計/英國萊斯特大學博物館學博士班/荷蘭Design Academy Eindhoven永續設計碩士

Cheng Yi Shih│Researcher/PhD researcher in University of Leicester, UK/MA Man and Humanity Design Academy Eindhoven, the Netherlands


講座Lecture 2

2014/4/12 (Sat) 14:30荷蘭設計學校- 媒體及平面設計

2014/4/12 (Sat) 14:30 Dutch design school - Media and Graphic design selection  

林凱婷設計師/荷蘭Gerrit Rietveld Academie 平面設計學士

Kai Ting Lin│Designer/BA Graphic design, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, the Netherlands

楊維綸平面設計師/荷蘭Design Academy Eindhoven資訊設計碩士

Echo Yang│Designer /MA Information Design, Design Academy Eindhoven, the Netherlands

張軒豪字型設計師/荷蘭Royal Academy of Arts字型媒體設計碩士

Joe Chang|Type designer/MA Type and Media, Royal academy of Arts, the Netherlands


講座三 Lecture 3

2014/4/19 (Sat) 14:30荷蘭建築學校 - 建築及都市規劃

2014/4/19 (Sat) 14:30 Dutch design school - Architecture and Urban design selection 


Chien Ting Chen│Architect design/Postgraduate Laboratory of Architecture, Berlage Institute, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

鄭惠華建築設計/荷蘭Delft University of Technology建築碩士

Hui Hua Cheng│Architect design/Msc Architecture, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands.

鄭采Boundary Unlimited建築事務創辦人建築/荷蘭鹿特丹Berlage建築碩士

Tsai Her Cheng│Owner of Boundary Unlimited/Postgraduate Laboratory of Architecture, Berlage Institute, Rotterdam, the Netherlands


導覽2014/04/0504/1204/19 13:30  龔維德策展人、荷蘭設計觀察家

Guided tour 2014/04/0504/1204/19 13:30 Sasson Kung│Curator & Dutch design Specialist


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